Our structure
Build-in-Wood as a project is divided into 10 topic-specific work packages (WP), each of them led by a highly-specialised Consortium partner.
Just as the project partners cover the entire wood value chain, so does the scope of work.
We tackle the prevalent challenges, striving to develop innovative, sustainable and standardisable solutions throughout the course of the project. Members of our selected Advisory Board provide counsel, adding their experience and expert opinions to the project.

Overview of Build-in-Wood's Work Packages
Materials & Components
Optimising commercially available Engineered Wood Products (EWP) for the construction sector and specifically for multi-storey buildings.
WP Leader: Danish Technological Institute
Building Systems
Developing a building system for multi-storey wood buildings by identifying, combining and optimising best available technologies and products.
WP Leader: Waugh Thistleton Architects
Buildings and Cities
Minimising risk for stakeholders when building multi-storey wood buildings to increase uptake in the construction sector for both new build and retrofitting.
WP Leader: C.F. Møller Architects
ICT and Building Process
Improving the value chain for new and retrofitted multi-storey buildings made in wood and optimising ways of prefabrication and off-site building.
WP Leader: Bimetica
Performance Documentation
Performance characterisation, validation, and documentation of the close-to-market technological solutions developed in WP1-3.
WP Leader: National Technical University of Athens
Sustainability Assessment
Assessing the overall sustainability of the proposed building wood solutions (materials, building systems/processes, disposal and end-of life).
WP Leader: University of Siena
Implementing a holistic approach to stakeholder involvement, activating a community of practise at EU level to adapt and co-develop the Build-in-Wood technologies.
WP Leader: Urbasofia
Dissemination & Communication
Developing and implementing a stakeholder based communication and dissemination strategy, addressing regional, national, European and international levels.
WP Leader: proHolz Tirol
Business Development
Developing commercialisation plans, ensuring long-term sustainability of the Build-in-Wood infrastructure and creating new market opportunities.
WP Leader: rtd services OG
Project Management
Ensuring an efficient and effective implementation of project activities and the timely completion of all objectives, milestones and deliverables.
WP Leader: Danish Technological Institute