Norway’s former capital city and technology hotspot is also known as a centre of excellence in sustainable urban development.
Cooperation with Build-in-Wood
The city of Trondheim is officially one of seven Early Adopter Cities of the Build-in-Wood project.
To this point, Trondheim signed the letter of commitment, participated in the Welcome Webinar and provided critical information on the current status of timber as a building material, related projects and challenges to be addressed.
The Challenge
Lack of knowledge and experience of developers and constructors concerning multi-storey wood buildings
Lack of local producers of wood-based construction materials à infrastructure challenge in material delivery
Cost of wood-based materials compared to concrete and steel
Build-in-Wood Focus
Qualifying personnel working with wood-based materials (with support from local administration)
Supporting engineers and architects during the planning phase to focus on re-use of building materials after end-of-life (through best practices and technical solutions)

Project status: Workshops completed
Key Build-in-Wood Partner
Institute of Wood Technology
Urban Planning Agency

As the Technological Capital of Norway, Trondheim has a special opportunity to front the “Green Future”. As a climate-friendly and climate-resilient city, Trondheim will become a better place to stay, work and live in.
Mayor of Trondheim – Rita Ottervik

About Trondheim
Wood was the base of all construction, when the city was founded in 997. Even though it remains popular, other materials have gained relevance due to their cost impact.
The drive to develop a sustainable society combined with the fact that construction materials are one of the main elements affecting the climate footprint of buildings, the project “Trebyen Trondheim” was established in 2006 – with the focus of putting wood as building material back to the agenda.
The project is contributing to the industry with knowledge, showcases the use of wood in its own construction projects and aims to inspire other companies.
Trondheim and wood
Cooperation and close dialogue with the University (NTNU), Sintef (research) and the “Treindustrien” organisation is of high importance to develop new strategies and specifications.
Since 2006, various solid wood projects have been implemented, and the experience during engineering, construction and daily use of these buildings is consistently positive. To increase the use of timber in the region, architects, engineers and constructors are being encouraged to deepen their knowledge and competence working with wood materials.

© Fredrik Myhre

Winning the price as: “This years wooden construction” in 2018 © Veidekke

© Fredrik Myhre
Past and Present
The name Trondheim derives from the old name “Norse Þróndheimr”, meaning “Home of the Strong and Fertile”. The city was founded by Viking King Olav Tryggvason in AD 997, and occupies a special place in Norwegian culture and history: it was the nation's first capital, and continues to be the coronation city where Norway's kings from Harald Hårfagre (872–933) to King Harald V (1991 -) have been hailed, crowned and blessed. In its history the city was and is now again a popular destination for pilgrimages. Trondheim is also an ecclesiastical centre, a regional capital, a centre for industry and commerce, and an important education and research centre.
Even today Trondheim is spoken of as one of the typical wooden cities of Europe, and the city centre has many special wooden buildings, some built as far back as the 1700s.