Get an insight into the results achieved by our european cooperation project.
Exploitation Booklet
With the project coming to an end in August 2024, we are proud to present a printable booklet, containing all of the achieved results, facts and figures. It is open to everyone and downloadable for free.​
A selection of the results from the booklet with reference to individual materials and tools can be found below.
Jump to the individual results here.
Build-in-Wood Guide Books
We have produced a series of instructional guides that offer a framework for building in timber. A series of three books, consisting of a System Guide, Component Selector, and Assembly Manual, detail the processes of this new timber building typology, and are aimed at anyone interested in building in wood.
Click on the covers to download and read the booklets.
System and Connection Matrix
The Build-in-Wood structural system is designed as a post and beam frame. The solutions meticulously designed and calculated by members of the Build-in-Wood project include the “Connector Matrix” to help select the most suitable connector for post and beam systems, based on the project’s intended use and scale.
Policy Catalogue
This catalogue provides a comprehensive overview of current best practices and recent advancements within the policy and regulatory framework that govern the construction sector, particularly concerning building materials and the utilization of wood in multi-storey buildings.
BIM Library
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process by which a highly sophisticated digital representation of a building is collaboratively created by architects, engineers and other construction professionals.
The Build-in-Wood BIM Library contains a number of BIM elements and components that can serve as a basis here.​​
Design Guide
The Build-in-Wood Design Guide provides essential information to help the design and construction of multi-storey wood buildings.
This Design Guide targets professionals in the construction industry, particularly building owners and designers, and aims to provide information and inspiration about using wood in construction to facilitate and encourage its use.​
The prototype building at the Danish Technological Institute in Taastrup will not only showcase and test the Build-in-Wood system, but also demonstrate the building’s capacity to be easily disassembled and reconfigured.
This demonstration building provides various industry stakeholders with a unique opportunity to test and document new innovative building materials, components, and systems on a full scale in real life conditions. Test data will be collated on acoustics, indoor climate, insulation performance and moisture.
Zenodo Repository
To guarantee the open access to project results and research outcomes, Build-in-Wood has created its own community on Zenodo, a multi-disciplinary open repository maintained by CERN and OpenAIRE.
It primarily allows researchers to deposit research papers, data sets, research software, reports, and any other research related digital artefacts, to which a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is assigned so as to make the resource citeable.