10 months down the line of starting Build-in-Wood, we would like to give you a brief status update of each of our work packages:
WP 1 - Materials & Components WP Leader: Danish Technological Institute

Focus is on materials and components of wood buildings. Possibilities to increase the resource efficiency of engineered wood products have been investigated. New solutions for enhancement of sound and fire related properties are being developed. Methods to incorporate additional nature-based materials into wood buildings are being investigated.
WP 2 - Building Systems WP Leader: Waugh Thistleton Architects

A building system for multi-storey buildings is being developed: best available technologies and commercially available products will be identified, optimised and turned into a fully documented building system to promote immediate market uptake and impact.
Recommendations for improvements to new and already existing standards will be reported in WP5.
WP 3 - Buildings and Cities WP Leader: C.F. Møller Architects

Member State building legislation requirements affecting wood construction is being analyzed with regard to e.g. load bearing structure, fire safety, acoustics, energy performance, etc. to help guide the material and building system developments. It is important that the developed solutions are fit for a range of different European conditions.
WP 4 - Information & Communication Technologies and Building Process WP Leader: Bimetica

The Build-in-Wood Consortium has developed Data templates to standardize information to be included in BIM (Building Information Modeling) projects. Currently, a BIM Database is generated that will serve as basis for a BIM Library.
WP 5 - Performance Documentation WP Leader: National Technical University of Athens

WP5 has not yet started. WP5 will cover technical performance characterization of the developed materials and building systems e.g. through mechanical, thermal, fire, acoustic, and emissions testing. A multi-level approach addressing material, system and full building characterisation will ensure complete documentation and validation of the developed systems.
WP 6 - Sustainability Assessment WP Leader: University of Siena

During the first 10 months of the project the propaedeutic activities for the implementation of the sustainable assessment have been planned and started. A database on available Environmental Product Declarations of building wood elements has been created and will be updated continuously.
WP 7 - Stakeholders WP Leader: Urbasofia

WP7 concentrates on coordinating the activation of cities (Early Adopters) as key stakeholders leading local development policies, and supporting them to embed wood building solutions into the urban-rural ecosystem. A first workshop has been held in Brasov in December 2019, and meetings are planned for August-November 2020. In preparation, we are working on a unique socio-economic-environmental context and market readiness analysis for each city, through quantitative and qualitative data collection (surveys for key local stakeholders and the cities themselves). First results are due July 2020.
WP 8 - Dissemination & Communication WP Leader: proHolz Tirol

After the creation of design guidelines and print materials, the Consortium is now strongly engaged in creating Build-in-Wood's online presence: managing and building up the Build-in-Wood website, constantly spreading the word via social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook) and setting up the Build-in-Wood newsletter. These activities take place in close cooperation with all consortium partners.
Currently, a set of own icons and an animated video about the project are under development.
WP 9 - Business Development WP Leader: rtd services OG

The goal for the first 10 months of the Build-in-Wood project was to develop strategies to gain a better understanding of key-users, their specific needs as well as of relevant value chains for the development of new business opportunities and to ensure a long-term sustainability of the project. An exploitation strategy was defined to give the opportunity to project partners to reflect on exploitable results and actions to be implemented.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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