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Final Build-in-Wood Conference: A Farewell to Five Years of Innovation

The Build-in-Wood consortium recently gathered for the final time at the Danish Technological Institute in Taastrup, Denmark, marking the conclusion of our transformative 5-year project. Over the course of two days, we came together to share our findings, discuss the extensive research conducted, and reflect on the knowledge and insights gained throughout this journey.

The conference was filled with memorable moments, including a highlight visit to the Build-in-Wood demonstrator. This visit showcased the tangible results of our collaborative efforts and the innovative strides we've made in timber construction. Day two featured an engaging meeting with stakeholders and scientists from across Europe, providing an opportunity to pass on the wealth of knowledge we’ve accumulated over the years.

While it was bittersweet to realize that this conference marked the end of the Build-in-Wood project, it was also a celebration of the strong friendships and professional networks that have been forged. These connections will undoubtedly continue to support research and innovation in the EU for years to come.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all consortium members, with special gratitude to our excellent coordinator, the Danish Technological Institute (DTI), for their outstanding cooperation over the past five years. We look forward to continuing this collaboration and can’t wait to work together again in the near future. To find out all about Build-in-Wood's outstanding results - click on the picture below and follow the link towards our website, where you can download all the results through our exploitation booklet for free:

However, this is not truly the end. The Build-in-Wood community will remain active, serving as a well-established platform for research, networking, and development in timber construction. Moreover, the spirit of innovation and research that defined Build-in-Wood lives on through the Woodcircles project, which began just a little over a year ago and includes several members of the Build-in-Wood consortium. This new initiative continues our commitment to advancing sustainable timber construction. Be sure to stay updated on its progress!

We look forward to seeing this vibrant community continue to grow and inspire future advancements in sustainable building practices.



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