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Build-in-Wood Project Update

Updated: Nov 8, 2024

Nearly two years into the project, we decided to share our first results and give an update on the current project status. Selected partners presented their work in a webinar session on June 24th. The webinar is available on our YouTube Channel:

The outline of a 4 year project

We squeezed an overview on our work and first results in 1:40h for you! 🕑 If you don't want to watch all of it, use the chapter marks in the video to skip directly to the part that interests you most:

  • What is Build-in-Wood? (0:00 - 07:45)

  • Our Partner Cities (07:45 - 22:05)

  • The Building System (22:05 - 42:35)

  • Standardisation & Building Regulations (42:35 - 56:10)

  • LCA & BIM (56:10 - 1:12:20)

  • Post-occupancy evaluation (1:12:20 - 1:18:30)

  • Q & A Session (1:18:30 - 1:39:30)

7 minutes

Introduction: What is Build-in-Wood?

What is the Build-in-Wood project and why did we start it? What do we hope to achieve? Which role do wood products play in decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions in the construction sector?

🗣️ This talk is given by Anders Kjellow, Senior Project Manager at the Danish Technological Institute (DTI) (Project Coordinator).


14 minutes

Early Adopters: 7 Cities for Urban Timber Construction

In our partner cities, we cooperate closely with the city administrations and their local stakeholders to overcome barriers for timber construction and allow for sustainable and liveable cities. In the first round of workshops, we learnt that we need to:

  • engage local stakeholders to foster decarbonisation strategies („growth coalitions”),

  • close practice knowledge gaps in the domain of wood construction/retrofitting support policies,

  • adapt the "pathway to sustainable decarbonisation" to each cities' built environment & urban context (focusing on densification, building up and retrofitting).

🗣️ This talk is given by Sabina Leopa, Urban Planning Expert & Deputy Director at Urbasofia (Work package leader "Stakeholders").


20 minutes

An integrated timber building system

When building in timber, many decisions have to be made. To reduce this cognitive load, Waugh Thistleton Architects are developing a standard building system, which can be used for commercial or residential projects and adapted to meet different regulatory requirements across Europe.

🗣️ This talk is given by Kirsten Haggart, Senior Associate at Waugh Thistleton Architects (Work package leader Building Systems).


14 minutes

Standardisation & Building Regulations

Building regulations don't reflect the possibilites of modern timber construction. There are big differences between EU countries which make planning for companies more complex. Partly, they are explained by different needs for building performance (e.g. snow loads, heat), but there is a general lack of harmonisation between countries, even regarding the descriptors used. DTI went through a in-depth assessment of national building codes.

🗣️ Listen to Peder Fynholm, Vice Director at DTI (Project Coordinator) presenting their findings!

Our take-away: Timber is better than Building Law thinks it is!

You can also read more in our blog article here:


16 minutes

LCA and BIM: an efficient combination

Timber construction is all about having the right plans at the right time. With Building Information Modelling (BIM), we can make sure, the plan is always right and contains all information that will become necessary throughout the project phases. The University of Siena has carried out first Life Cycle Assessments for the elements designed in the project.

Once finalised, they will be implemented in the timber BIM elements of the BIM library that Bimetica is currently creating.

🗣️ This talk is given by Nicoletta Patrizi, researcher at University of Siena (Leader work package Sustainability Assessment) and Cristobal Bernal, Technical Leader at Bimetica (Leader work package ICT and Building Process)


6 minutes

Post-occupancy evaluation of timber buildings

When resident happiness is a key factor to wooden buildings, it is crucial to have data and statistics on that very topic. In a pilot study, Alexandra Institute and DTI studied a number of households to assess their overall perceptions and experiences of living in a timber building.

Furthermore, DTI investigated how well the building performed in use, and whether the occupants were satisfied with the indoor environment of their apartments.

"80% of the surveyed occupants were satisfied with the indoor air quality, and found it pleasant. The experience from this pilot study gives us a strong basis for the upcoming post-occupancy evaluations of timber buildings"

says Henriikka Taipale, Consulting Engineer at DTI. 🗣️ This talk is also

given by Sofie Naylor, Techno-Anthropologist at Alexandra Institute.


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