Legal Notice
This page is a draft and still under construction.
Please find a first version of our legal notice below.
Represented Project
This website exists in the context of the Build-in-Wood project which is co-financed under the H2020 Work Programme of the European Community.
Website Content
The website is maintained by proHolz Tirol with contributions from all project partners of the Build-in-Wood project.
proHolz Tirol
Wilhelm-Greil Straße 7
6020 Innsbruck
Phone: +43 512 564727
E-mail: info@proholz-tirol.at
Internet: https://www.proholz-tirol.at/
Project-specific contact email: info@build-in-wood.eu
Disclaimer of liability
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the content of this website, proHolz Tirol does not assume liability or give a warranty for this content, its comprehensiveness or current relevance, nor for the content of external links. Should you notice any errors in technical or editorial aspects, please do not hesitate to inform us via our contact form. Sole responsibility for the content of linked sites lies with their operators. proHolz Tirol owns copyright for layout and content of the pages as far as nothing else is explicitly stated.
Statutory remarks
Personal information gathered by this website will only be stored so that we can process your query, contact you at a later date with reference to your query, or forward your information to the proHolz Tirol network company that will deal with your request. In storing and dealing with your data, proHolz Tirol promises to keep all data confidential in adherence with prevailing data protection laws.
proHolz Tirol is not responsible for the security of data transferred to us over the Internet. To process certain requests expediently, the use of cookies is sometimes unavoidable. Only by using cookies, is it possible to click back through queries and information submitted. When you leave this website, the cookies generated will be automatically deleted from your computer.
Intellectual property
This website is subject to protection under the terms of the Intellectual Property Code, by virtue of which proHolz Tirol holds the copyright for all works featuring on the website, in particular the images, text, iconographic and photographic representations and documents downloadable from the website, as well as the software used on the site.
Any reproduction or representation of all or part of this website, by any means whatsoever, is therefore officially prohibited without the prior written authorisation of proHolz Tirol. You may, however, download or print out pages and/or parts of the Build-in-Wood website for personal use only, provided you do not delete references to copyright or intellectual property rights. proHolz Tirol reserves the right to take any form of legal action with regard to its rights and privileges.
Image copyright information
© Archimos
© Waugh Thistleton Architects
© C.F. Moller Architects
© proHolz Tirol
© Christian Forcher
© Fotolia
© Unsplash
Icon copyright information
© Wix
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