Why wood is awesome
Wood is not produced. It grows.
All trees need is sun, soil and rain, growing naturally, forming lively ecosystems and providing us with vital oxygen and the precious resource called wood. In this wood, trees absorb CO2, temporarily relieving the atmosphere of its greenhouse effects.
Timber is such an attractive material because it has a lower carbon footprint,
uses less energy and water and is 100% renewable from sustainably managed forests. In construction, wood is highly flexible, light and strong at the same time.
It’s well-suited for prefabrication and can significantly reduce the construction time. Well engineered, wooden constructions are also perfectly fire-safe and even more earthquake stable than legally required.

CO2 in wood
Each cubic meter of wood binds a ton of the greenhouse gas CO2.
The more wood we store (e.g. in buildings), the less CO2 the atmosphere needs to deal with.
Wood is ideal for prefabrication of mayor elements.
This leads to a high material and time efficiency, reduced waste and cost control.
Good weight-strength ratio
Compared to steel or concrete, wood can support its own weight better, which allows for larger spaces and fewer necessary supports in building designs.
Forests are growing
The European forests grow about 840 million m³ every year. Roughly one third of this growth remains in the forests.
Building in Wood is caring about our climate
Wood is the only truly renewable construction resource we know and nature couldn't have engineered it any better:
It relieves the atmosphere of one ton of CO2 per m³
It's natural
It's sustainable
- Wood has a much lower carbon footprint than other building materials such as concrete and steel
The taller the wooden building, the more CO2 it can capture
Wood is efficient, fast and predictable.
Engineered timber is a highly developed building material with a high strength-to-weight ratio, making it perfect for many critical applications. With prefabrication of mayor building elements, the on-site assembly of these parts is quickly done, significantly reducing construction time, weather-dependence and resident annoyance.
Additionally, wood is suited for “design for disassembly” and can easily be recycled.
Wood is a growing market
By 2050, almost 70% of all humans will be living in urban areas, implying a plus of ~2.5 billion people*.
The cities need to provide housing for these people, requiring a mix of new construction and both renovating and heightening of existing residential buildings. Due to its various advantages like low weight and construction time, wood is an excellent choice of either of these.
*Source: Ourworldindata.org
Wood makes us feel at home.
As organic material, wood can breathe and maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor climate. Environments with wooden structures have positive psychological and physical effects on humans, lowering blood pressure and pulse and exerting a calming effect. Rooted in our past, we connect wood to the cosy feeling of security and home.