Located in the central part of Romania, Brasov is nestled in the Southern Carpathians, an area rich in forests and other natural resources.
Cooperation with Build-in-Wood
Brasov Metropolitan Agency is an official partner to the Build-in-Wood project and is currently the most advanced Early Adopter City.
The Challenge
increased demand for housing (new-built and renovation of older building stock)
reduce GHG-emissions of the building sector (increasing the use of wood in construction, renovation and retrofitting of multi-storey buildings)
increase economic resilience
use local forestry resources in a smart and sustainable way
Build-in-Wood Focus
Identifying, integrating and supporting a local value chain in the wood construction industry
developing and testing policies and strategies for encouraging wood use in multi-storey new builds and retrofits

Project status:
Workshops completed
Key Build-in-Wood Partner
Brasov Metropolitan Agency
Public Community Development Agency
Urban Planning Agency

We need to ensure the sustainable, inclusive and competitive development of our region. The Build-in-Wood project will help us to strengthen the value chain in the wood and construction industry by developing the local added value and capacity.
Dragoș David, General Director of Brasov Metropolitan Agency

About Brasov
Past and present. The 7th biggest city of the country was founded in the early 13th century amidst the Transylvanian Alps. Ever since, Brasov has been characterized by multiculturalism, craftsmanship and trade, more recently becoming one of Romania's biggest industrial and touristic hotspots.
Currently, it is home to 290.000 inhabitants.
Brasov and wood. Wood as material has always been a part of the local population's daily life. As there is a very strong local tradition of building in wood, most of the buildings consist at least partly of wood, especially in rural areas.
Brașov is also home to the Faculty of Silviculture (development and care of forests), part of University “Transilvania” Brasov, one Romania's most respected Higher Education Institution in this field.

Impressions of Brasov
The old town is one of the best-preserved in Europe with splendid architecture and old fortifications, with the newer part of the city constantly growing in both expanse as well as height. In the Metropolitan Area, the landscape is mainly of mountain and plains towns.